
The Jury-System™ Trial Subscription Request

If you are a student trying to sign up for a jury, this is not the website you want. All schools' sites are subdomains of jury-system.com and in most cases the first part of the URL is the domain name of the school. For example, if your school's website is www.abc.edu, your Jury-System site is most likely abc.jury-system.com. If this doesn't work, please ask your instructor for the correct URL.

Each academic term we will register a limited number of schools for a no-commitment, customized, free trial site for one round of juries. Requests will be acted upon in the order in which they are received. Once a trial subscription request has been approved we will then contact you to request copies of the forms you wish to have recreated in The Jury-System™, create and customize your site and enter user accounts for all faculty who will be using the trial or wish to experiment with it before actual juries.

To let us show you how The Jury-System™ can make your life easier, submit this form. Once you've tried it, we think you'll be hooked!

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