
"Help - I can't Log In!" and Other Account Issues

(Note: these Q&As all refer to individual institutions' personalized subdomains such as scu.jury-system.com for Santa Clara University, not to the administrative site, jury-system.com. If you are trying to log in to create a repertoire record or book a jury time, you may be on the wrong site. If you don't know the first part of your institution's URL, please ask either your local administrator or contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..) Client school account URLs are in the form of <name or initials of school>.jury-system.com, such as blair.jury-system.com or scu.jury-system.com.

Common problems and their solutions

Incorrect username or password

If you have been getting the error message "Incorrect username or password" despite entering what you know are correct credentials, be sure that you are trying to log in to the correct website. This is a very common problem, as people are so used to ignoring a "www" at the beginning of a URL and still reaching the desired website. With The Jury-System, each school has its own completely discrete and isolated website, and user accounts only work on their individual subdomain, which is identified by what precedes ".jury-system.com." If you are unsure of your school's URL, please consult a colleague or local administrator, as for security reasons, The Jury-System will not divulge that information.